Preparing for aged care
We are here to help…every step of the way.
Moving In
Before moving in you will need to be assessed by an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT); in Victoria they are known as Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS). More information can be found through the My Aged Care link.
You Can find your local Aged Care Assessment Team by using the Service Finder link.
Preparing to move
What can I bring with me?
All of our homes have state of the art, comfortable and homely accommodation. We focus on making our facilities as warm and welcoming as we can to make them as comforting as your own home. Residents are encouraged to decorate their rooms with personal and meaningful items to create a familiar surrounding.
Assistance moving in
Your family, friends and carers are welcome to help you move in. It can be a good idea to choose a quieter time of day so the staff have more time to assist you. When the times comes, ask us what the best time would be. Make sure you meet with one of our managers at your chosen home and let them know if there is anything you need to help you settle in. Your family, friend or a career is welcome to stay with you for a bit while you settle in.
After you’ve moved in
After you move in to your new home, there will be new routines and surroundings to get used to. We will be there every step of the way.
Developing your care plan
After you move in, our team will sit down with you and your family to discuss your care needs and develop your care plan to outline your needs. If you already have a care plan that has been developed by an allied health professional or your doctor, you can bring that with you.
Planning for the future
You may have health preferences, particularly during serious illness. It is important that those who might need to know, including the care team in our homes know about them in advance
We have a range of regular activities, social events and outings (when permitted) in our homes. You are welcome to be involved as much or as little as you like. Let us know if there is something that you particularly like and we can try to include this in our planning.
Our meals are planned by our in house chef in conjunction with a dietician. All meals are freshly cooked on site daily catering to the dietry requirements of all persons. Individuals have the option of selecting between two diferent meal options at lunch and dinner.